Welcome to Cape Ballroom:
Looking for a Place to Dance? Want to Learn?
Join us on Friday evenings, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, at The American Legion, 2731 Thomas Dr, Cape Girardeau, MO.
Doors open at 6:45 pm.
The 30-minute lesson begins at 7:00 pm sharp, followed by
dancing to many styles of music, plus a few line dances, until 9:00 pm.
Admission: $5/person at the door (includes lesson & dance). No bills over $20 please.
No smoking. No alcohol.
Dance with a Cha Cha Lesson
Friday, February 7th - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
This Friday, Cape Ballroom is happy to host Ellen Gipson’s Square One Wellness Dancing Field Trip!
“The Cha-Cha is a lively and fun dance that really gets you moving on the dance floor. Quite similar to the Rumba and Mambo, Cha-Cha took the slower steps of both dance and added a triple step. The Cha-Cha has become a must-learn for beginning dance students. Throughout the years gaining popularity due to its simplicity and energy.” (From carolinadance.com)
Just $5 per person at the door, cash only. No bills over $20 please. Doors open at 6:45pm.
The evening begins at 7:00 p.m. with a 30-minute dance lesson, followed by dancing to mixed ballroom music. Line dances are included.
No smoking. No alcohol. Water is available.
Cape Ballroom Friday Night Dances are held 7-9 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 2731 Thomas Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701.
Cape Ballroom gift certificates make a great gift!
Small Group Classes, Private Lessons, and Wedding Lessons are also available.
Questions? Facebook message, text/call (480) 857-7286, or email dan@capeballroom.com.
Visit our QUESTIONS page for info on age ranges, attire, and more.
Need additional info? Contact us!
You can learn to dance!
Yes, Ballroom Dancing!
Ballroom Dancing is that collection of graceful and dramatic dances that are a thrill to watch and so fun to do yourself. Enjoy the energetic East Coast Swing, the exciting Cha Cha, the romantic Rumba, the graceful Waltz, and the hot & fast Salsa. No more sitting on the sidelines at receptions, nightclubs, wineries, or charity events. Ballroom can be danced to all types of music and bands.
Private Lessons, Wedding Dance Lessons, and Gift Certificates available on request.
For more information, or to add your name to our email list, please email me:
You may also call or text Dan at (480) 857-7286.
If I don't answer, I am probably DANCING :-) so leave a message.
If the Cape Girardeau Public Schools are closed Friday because of inclement weather, Cape Ballroom will also be closed and not hold its Friday Dance.
Click this link to check for Cape School Closing Notice
If rapidly-changing weather would force a "last-minute" cancellation, we may not have time to update Facebook or the Cape Ballroom website. Please use your discretion when deciding whether to travel in adverse weather.
See DIRECTIONS page for map and driving directions.
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